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Aviation & Drones

  • Mais par quel MIRACLE vole un AUTOGIRE ?!

    Mais par quel MIRACLE vole un AUTOGIRE ?!

    par Cybernard Ajoutées 45 Vues / 0 Likes

    La culture spatiale de la semaine en vidéo avec Quentin du Journal de l'Espace ! Par quel miracle vole un AUTOGIRE ?!

  • 03:28 Populaire GoPro Hero3 4K Quadcopter flight at Mrs Macquaries chair

    GoPro Hero3 4K Quadcopter flight at Mrs Macquaries chair

    par Cybernard Ajoutées 1,225 Vues / 0 Likes

    Vegetoast1 & Neil Surry combine forces again to bring you a Quadcopter flight from Mrs Macquarie's chair, Sydney Harbour Australia.shot in 4K (4096 x 2160 or 4 times the resolution of Full HD) on GoPro Hero3 Black Edition.Select "Original" from the se

  • 06:55 Populaire The most beautiful aerial drone shot i've ever seen

    The most beautiful aerial drone shot i've ever seen

    par Cybernard Ajoutées 1,114 Vues / 0 Likes

    beautiful drone aerial shot

  • 14:11 Populaire Most Powerful Octacopter from OFM for Professional Aerial filming

    Most Powerful Octacopter from OFM for Professional Aerial filming

    par Cybernard Ajoutées 1,660 Vues / 0 Likes cta/OFM GQuad-8 is one very powerful Octacopter with Dual Operator setup for Professional Aerial filming with DSLR cameras and or other heavier production cameras. It offers a great payload upto 6kg to be on s

  • 11:17 Populaire FX-79 Buffalo 5km Stretch FPV accumulating 12km FPV Flight

    FX-79 Buffalo 5km Stretch FPV accumulating 12km FPV Flight

    par Cybernard Ajoutées 1,361 Vues / 0 Likes

    First Long Range FPV on FX-79 Buffalo flying wing. I flew 3km straight from RC Airfield to one side and then went back 5km straight to other side and re visited the chimney. Finally flight from Chimney was another 2km stretch back to RC airfield for landi

  • 10:11 Populaire Spektakulärer Einsatz: Drohnen über Deutschland

    Spektakulärer Einsatz: Drohnen über Deutschland

    par Cybernard Ajoutées 20.1k Vues / 0 Likes

    Beim Begriff Drohnen denkt man zuerst an mit Waffen bestückte Flugroboter, die per Knopfdruck Menschen töten können. Doch Drohnen gibt es nicht nur in Afghanistan, auch am Himmel über Deutschland werden neuerdings immer mehr unbemannte
